Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Mysterious Illness

On Monday February 28th I started feeling really tired and out of it. While Brent passed out on the couch I made dinner and watch family guy, trying to relax and hopefully de-stress myself. I decided to go to bed around 8:30 PM in hopes that a good nights sleep would do me well. I woke up at 2 AM in the morning and decided that sleeping in the bathroom was a better option. I fell asleep on the bathroom floor for a little while and then relocated to the couch. I was in and out of sleep for about 3 hours until it finally happened, I got sick.

I called off work on Tuesday, again, to get some rest. I had been unable to keep any fluids down, my body ached everywhere imaginable, and the idea of even moving made my ill. I stayed in bed most of the day and then decided that I was feeling well enough to take a shower. At the end of my shower I tilted my head a little to far back and there went the rest of my fluids. Brent came to check on me during lunch and as soon as he sat down I started crying, and in a weeping pathetic sound told him that I needed to go to the hospital. I will admit that when I get really sick I do one of two things. One, I want everyone to leave me alone or two, I turn into a helpless little child because I just quit. By this point I had just quit.

Brent drove me to the Tuba City Emergency room. We got there around 3:50 PM and I was in a bed by 4:30 PM, not to bad. They told me that they were going to pump me will 3 liters of fluids, draw some blood, get a chest x-ray, and run some tests. The doctor was leaning toward influenza or a kidney infection, both fit my symptoms perfectly. By 9:30 PM this was the diagnosis: when I came in my vitals were very low and I was severely dehydrated, the flu test came back negative, the kidney test came back negative, they ran a bunch of other tests which all came back negative, and the only thing that they found is that I had a high white blood cell count. They told me I was not allowed to go back to work for the entire week and to seek additional treatment if I wasn't feeling better in a couple of days. So, we filled the prescriptions and left.

Over night my fever came back and I had no desire to drink any fluids. I was still in bed when Brent came home from lunch. He basically forced me to get up and drink something because I was not doing well again. Later in the evening I began to suspect something. Besides an extremely sore stomach and being unable to eat my throat is killing me. It is really swollen and you can even tell from looking at my neck. The sides of my neck are all puffed out where my glands are. I looked up tonsillitis and read through some information. All of the symptoms and causes of tonsillitis are things that I have been dealing with over the past several weeks. I even looked at pictures and compared it to the back of my throat and they matched perfectly. I need to see an ENT. I asked Brent if I could drive myself on Friday and he told me no, he is worried about me driving if I am unable to turn my head. Ok, legitimate.

So that is were we stand, a sick Pam and a worried Brent. Hopefully once I get over whatever this then Brent will get better and we can stay better until after the wedding. That would be a miracle...

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