Monday, March 7, 2011

Leading A Boring Life

Brent attended a conference in Scottsdale leaving me in Pinon to fend for myself for 48 hours. I was looking forward to some time to catch up on grades and get back into the swing of things but I never realized how boring my life was without Brent around.

I woke up in the morning very enthusiastic about returning to my students. After getting ready, eating breakfast, and dealing with the dogs I headed for the high school. I spent the next 30 minutes catching up on paper work, checking in with the school secretary, and preparing for the school day. During my prep hour I worked on getting my classroom back into functioning order and was all ready for my first day back after a whole week of being off. Seeing my second hour class was INCREDIBLE! One of my students walked straight up to me and hugged me. She was so happy that I was back. I surprised the students with putting new books on their chairs and they were really excited to be moving on. We spend the entire class hour playing and actually accomplishing a lot. Third hour choir did not go as well but they ended up having to sing in front of their fellow classmates. For some of the students this was really embarrassing because it showed their peers that they have no idea what they were doing. 

I nibbled at lunch and then prepared for my freshman band. As these students came in and set up I knew I was in the home stretch for the day. In the middle of 4th hour my classroom lights went out. We had enough light to continue out lesson but there was no way we would be doing anything else after that. The students packed up their instrument and I headed down toward the office to see what was going on. The entire Pinon area was out of power. Between the 30 - 40 mile per hour winds, the rain, snow, and hail the electrical lines just could not hold up. After two hours of sitting in the dark the district sent home the students one hour early. As soon as they dismissed the students the power came back on. We are technically still suppose to stay till 4 PM but with being tired I decided to go home and work for awhile before Brent got home. 

As time passed I realized how boring my life was without Brent. Did I really lead this boring of a life before he appeared? I use to stay at work until 5:30 or 6 PM working, come home and eat dinner, watch a movie or two, and then go to bed around 9 PM. LAME!!! Without Brent around I found myself doing nothing and just staring into the great beyond. I went back to work for awhile only to find myself even more bored than before. I went home and watched a movie hoping to pass the time but it still did not work. Finally around 6:30 PM Brent called to tell me that he was in Flagstaff and would be heading my way, he should be home around 9:30 PM. This worked out great. As time passed and 9:30 approached there was still no Brent. He called me to tell me that the roads were to bad and that he was not going to be able to finish making the drive tonight, it was becoming a matter of safety. He made it to the Hopi Cultural Center and rented a room for the night. Brent is only about 30 miles from me but I will not see him for one more night. 

It is amazing how great you think your life really is, meet someone and spend every waking minute with them, and then when you spend time by yourself again you realize how much your life sucked. Life is boring without Brent, I even miss the random thoughts...

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