Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Many Faces Of Reality

Things have been going better in Pinon. My mysterious case of tonsillitis has returned with vengeance and my students have been brats lately. Today was the first day in a long time where being at work was not painful. Evenings with Brent are spent watching movies and assembling our soon to be home together. But unfortunately the bad thing about living away from everyone and everything is that you are the last to find out anything that happens at home...

I made my evening phone call to my mom tonight to talk about a couple of wedding things and to just talk. Toward the end of the conversation I found out the bad news. Around was diagnosed with cancer so was my Aunt Bonnie. Aunt Bonnie is something else and she always had this spunk that made you want to be around her. They had taken out most of the cancer, her colin, and several other internal organs when everything started but recently she has developed a new issue. She has a blood clot within a valve near her heart. They tried using some natural resources to break down the clot. Because of its location, they have to be very careful of what they do. To much pressure on the clot and it could move through her valve, into her heart, and to her brain killing her. As of right now she is stable and in the hospital until further notice.

What makes this an even harsher reality is where her husband is. Don works for a major company and cannot even be with his wife because he is at a conference in Georgia related to the Japan tsunami. The tsunami has now claimed over 6,000 lives with more than 10,000 people missing. But what makes the visual damage worse is the secret killer sweeping through the small island. The Japanese nuclear plant was severally damaged from the water, causing four out of 6 reactors to crack and break. There are workers inside the nuclear plant that have accepted their fate. They have been so severally exposed to radiation that no amount of protection can save them. People living up to 20 kilos from the plant, some 200,000 people, have been evacuated to safer parts of the island. While lose 20 - 30 kilos are under house arrest and cannot leave under any circumstances. If the radiation is not contained it will continue to leak into the air and water causing another catastrophic event. How does this relate to my uncle you ask?  The Japanese government hired my Uncle to design and install the reactor in the plant. He is sitting in Georgia trying to figure out how to save hundreds upon thousands of lives.

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