Sunday, February 12, 2012

Three Weeks Old

A lot has happened in three weeks in our family. My mom flew home a week ago leaving Brent and me to discover parenthood on our own. Xander also had his two week follow-up with his doctor. The doctor was really excited that he had put 9.5 ounces back on and had grown 2 inches.

This week has been really rough. Xander hit a growth spurt and became really fussy. He has also discovered that daddy and mommy are suckers and when he cries we will come get him. Xander and I also experienced what life would be like without Brent, and let me tell you that it sucked. Brent had to travel to Prescott, AZ for the state wrestling tournament. After regionals last weekend he only had one student that qualified, but he took two so the student wasn't lonely. His student placed 4th in his weight class. Brent was gone from Wednesday-Saturday and finally got home around 11 AM. Brent basically got a mini vacation so when he got home I declared him Mr. Mom for an evening so mommy could get some sleep. Brent stayed up all night with Xander, did the 1 AM and 4 AM feedings and then passed out. I got some sleep but enjoyed watching and listening to Brent take care of Xander all night.

The next couple of weeks have a lot of excitement coming our way. I have two weeks off to myself with Xander and Brent. For Valentines Day Brent and I have decided to spend in the temple in Snowflake. Tommy and Emma are going to babysit for us. I am very excited to go to the temple with Brent. On February 24th my sister, Michelle, and nephew, Leland, will be flying into Flagstaff. We are going to spend the weekend in Flag so I can take care of some errands and get the kitten fixed. We are then going to come back and hang out in Pinon until Dad and Donna get here on Sunday or Monday. Everyone is going to stay until March 5th and then head back to Pinon. My father is SUPER excited to meet his grandson. He is so energetic that when we talk on the phone I understand nothing that he says.

Brent and I have decided to spend spring break in UT with his family. His parents tried so hard to come down and see their grandson but it seemed like there was something holding them back every time they turned around. They eventually decided to stay in UT to help Keith and Shawna with Luke and the girls. They only have to wait four more weeks to see Xander and by then he will be big and healthy and I think I will be freaking out a little less.

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