Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One Week Later

It has been one week since Xander entered into our lives, and what a week it has been. We spent all day Thursday shopping because who knew that I would deliver a baby under 8 pounds, so known of his clothes fit him. Xander, only being three days old, got a whole new wardrobe of newborn clothes. And even then we could still fit another baby into some of his outfits. We chose to stay in Flagstaff until Friday January 27th due to my health and Xander had his first appointment that day anyways. We went to his pediatrician who gave him his first exam and said that he was in perfect health. After Xander's appointment we headed to meet Emma at the airport because Tommy came out to Pinon for three weeks. We did a little shopping at Sam's Club and then started making the long drive home. We bundled Xander up and put him in his car seat.

For weeks Brent and I had been debating on how to drive home. The dirt roads have gotten really bad with all of the rain from the fall and Brent did not feel comfortable taking the roads with a new born baby. I wanted to take a dirt road home that has some bumps, but overall is pretty decent because it drives right past the mine and I figured that it would be the smoothest of them all. Brent won the first debate and I gave in to taking the six hour drive home. On our way home I started hurting from my stitches and Xander started getting restless. We decided to pull over at the Hopi Cultural Center for a bathroom break. I finally convinced Brent that if one of us sat in the backseat and held Xander's head we should be fine on the dirt roads. We took a dirt road home. Xander did really well on the dirt road and started to fuss the last five minutes because he was hungry. I knew he would be one tough baby (Brent, the wife is always right!)

During this past week Xander has defiantly captured our hearts and can get us to do whatever he wants when he wants it. Waking up at night has been rough, but both Brent and myself have established a baby routine making things so much easier. Xander has already grown so much, he is also very strong. After only one week he is trying to hold his head up and roll over. When he grips your finger he tightens his little fingers so hard that you have to pry them loose. We also find it very funny that our one week old son loves hand mittens, socks, and shoes. We put a frog outfit on him, shown in the picture, and then decided to put mittens on him. He left them on for about 12 hours and if you took them of her cried. 
On Sunday we went to church for the first time as a family. Everyone at church was amazed at how small he was. We were amazed at how well behaved he was. He did not cry once. When he started to fuss Brent scooted over immediately, rocked his car seat, and he stopped. I could feed him and burp him during sacrament without him crying once. Going to church as a family, and with my mom, was the happiest moment of the week for me. Brent was glowing with happiness and enjoyed showing off his new family. 

Brent had to go back to work on Monday, but was excited to show some of his pictures off to his students. I had to stop in to finish something up and the students were so excited to see me and pictures of the baby. After wrestling, Brent came immediately home, picked up Xander, and started reading a book to him. He told me that one of his goals is to come home after work everyday and have father son reading time. I am so impressed with Brent. He is an amazing father and Xander knows who he is my the sound of his voice. His eyes widen and he starts to smile when he hears Brent's voice. Brent is very supportive and caring. Xander and I are both so blessed to have such a wonderful person in our life. 

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