Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Forecast for April 2011

As I have been preparing my calendar for the month of April I feel like I can compare all of the events going on to some kind of forecast. Lets see if this makes sense...

"Well, the month of April is going to be quiet the combination. We will see sun, rain, severe winds, and even some cloudy skies. Lets take a look at the predictions..."

Cloudy Skies: For the past several months my students have been preparing for their second concert entitled 'Around The World.' For the most part I feel that they are ready, but the wanting/needing spring break cloud is looming over their heads. They have been tested to death over the past several months and they are beginning to become difficult to handle. They have six actual rehearsal days remaining before the concert. If they focus and actually make the effort I know that they will be able to push aside their cloudy moods and perform a great concert. But if they keep their attitudes, it is going to be a mediocre concert which no one will be proud of. 

Severe Winds: Until April 20th there is so much going on and so much to be done. Between three days of in school testing this week, 6 actual rehearsal days left until the concert, 15 days left to pack for the wedding/honeymoon, 16 days lefts before Brent and I leaver for the wedding, 20 days until the wedding, 21 days until the honeymoon, church responsibilities, financial obligations, and everything else going I feel like there are severe winds whipping my life around. I am trying my best to keep my feet planted and focus on one day at a time, but it is getting to be A LOT! Lately, I have stressed to Brent that he really needs to step up and help me around the house more. He has been and today the winds died down when he helped make breakfast, dinner, helped with the dishes, and helped complete some other small tasks. Working together to get things done will take some time and I know that with patience that the winds will die down and I can stop sweating the small things. 

Sun: I am getting married in 20 days, almost 19. I am beyond excited. One year ago I never would have imagined myself preparing to get married. Brent has been such an inspiration for me and has really been encouraging for me to reach out and grab life by the horns. Today we talked about me becoming Dr. Maynard. I want to have my doctoral completed by the age of 30. Brent thinks that this is something I should do and is really pushing for me to take the next step. But right now the only step on my mind is becoming Mrs. Pamela Maynard. 

Rain: This is not so much rain, but it does deal with water. Just like my students I am beyond ready for spring break. I will be getting married and then spending one wonderful week with my hubby on the beaches of Cancun, Mexico. I am so excited to go snorkeling, visit the ruins, and lay out on the beach. Not only am I using this to celebrate our wedding, but as kind of a reward for a job well done as my first year as a teacher. I have a job for the next school year and a position on the district committee. I am grateful to have a job during this time and thank god for bestowing this blessing upon my life. 

Well, that is my April weather forecast. More weather to come. Stay tuned!

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