Friday, April 29, 2011

The Life of a Married Woman

On Wednesday April 20th, Brent and I arrived in Springfield, IL. After landing at the smallest airport I have ever seen, Brent and I drove about 2 1/2 hours to the small town of Dallas City, IL. As we drove up to the plantation house I felt butterflies fill my stomach, I had finally arrived and I knew the next several days would be the most exciting of my life.

One by one, our families and friends arrived over the next several days. Brent stayed with his family in Nauvoo and I stayed with my family and friends at the venue. My bridesmaids took me out for an incredible party at the local casino. They helped my mom decorate and prepare for the wedding.

On Saturday I woke up really early to start getting ready and hang out with my bridesmaids. The housekeeper, Patty, made my favorite breakfast for my wedding day. As my family and I sat down, I knew that this would be the last time I would be eating a meal as a single woman.

As the morning progressed, there was one moment where my heart began beating and my stomach filled with butterflies. I looked outside and watched Brent slowly walk up to the house. As I looked out of the window on the second floor I lost my breathe and laid my eyes upon the man that has filled the past 6 months of my life with joy.

The time came for me to marry. We chose to have me walk down the stairs for effect. One by one the bridesmaids processed down the aisle. It was my turn next. As I walked down the stairs I could not see Brent, that was the point. I took my fathers arm and walked down the aisle. At the end of the aisle stood the most handsome man I had ever seen. His eyes were filled with tears and he had a smile on his face that lit up the room. My bridesmaids later admitted to me that they all looked at Brent and started crying. They had never seen a man so over whelmed with love and joy in his eyes.

During the reception, we ate a wonderful picnic, hung out with friends and family, and listened to two incredible toasts. Sean, Brent's brother, gave a great toast about their relationship and he wished us luck in our lives together. Emma, my maid of honor, gave an incredible toast. Emma had always been one of my closest sisters, but I never realized how close until she toasted. Emma doesn't cry, but she lost it after the toast. Emma is my blood sister, she is the sister that I have always wanted and know I have.

April 23rd was the best day of my life, and this time next year, I will be sealed in the temple for eternity to my husband.

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