Sunday, May 13, 2012

Recent Xander Photos

Xander's Chair

We recently went to the doctor with Xander for his two month appointment.  It turns out that he has the motor skills of a four month old and is very strong for his age.  So we decided to let him try out his chair.

Xander the Handy Man

A friend bought this tool belt before he was born and we decided it was time for him to try it out.  We thought the results were really cute.

Xander Dressed for Winter

It got really cold here in Pinon right before the beginning of spring so we had to bundle Xander up before we could take him to the babysitter's house.  Of course we had to use his biggest and warmest coat.  Created a bit of a funny look didn't it?

Xander the Cat Rider

Shadow the Cat is a good sport.

Xander at 3AM

R2D2 and Turtle

Adventures in April and May

Sorry it has been awhile since we posted new photos or updates, things have been a little crazy.

Xander has discovered mirrors. On a Sunday after church I placed him in his chair in front of a mirror in the living room. He realized that he was looking at himself and started laughing hysterically. I was able to capture this picture to the right of his smile in the mirror.

 It is hard to believe that my baby boy is almost four months old. He has grown so much and amazes us each and every day. Xander got to go on his first family vacation with Brent and I to Camp Verde, Arizona. We spent one night in a local hotel, visited the state park, and made a special trip to "Out of Africa" Xander slept most of the time but he loved watching the bear show. We had so much fun celebrating our one year wedding anniversary and Xander's three month birthday.

Xander at the local Saloon for dinner. Everyone thought he was the cutest thing they had ever seen. He is showing off his tongue. 

Xander loves his daddy very much. They love to take naps together. Most of the time they fall asleep while mommy is cleaning the house to get out of helping her (that's right, I caught you two). Everyday I am so grateful for Brent and the love he has to offer this family. We are truly blessed. 

Brent and I have had several very busy weeks. After "Out of Africa" we went on a business trip to Las Vegas for an accelerated school training. We ended up having a lot of fun. We decided to go to see a show together to celebrate our anniversary with just each other and saw the cirque de soli show Ka. It was incredible and Brent liked it because it was based around Japanese culture. Unfortunately while in Vegas we received some very tragic news that one of the students at Pinon High School was killed in a car crash. This struck the community by storm and we dealt with the crisis management when we returned. In addition to Vegas Brent and I accompanied 37 seniors to Phoenix for a senior class trip. We took them to a water park, the Hard Rock Cafe, and the Arizona Mills Mall. It was nice to have some fun, even though we were still working. We came home on Saturday evening and were not expecting what came to us on Sunday.

Sunday morning Brent had an interview with Stake Presidency for the Branch President calling. Not only was he interviewed, he was called, chose counselors, and they all were sustained today during church. It was very hectic and unexpected. We had been mentally preparing for this for a long time but we were not expecting all of the emotional components that came along side the calling, especially when it all happened in a short period of time. I know that Brent will do a great job.